The Family Violence Unit is a state-of-the-art program that places great emphasis on aggressive prosecution while also taking special care to provide services and to insulate victims from further violence. The unit reviews all domestic violence and elderly abuse cases referred to state court in Jefferson Parish and vertically prosecutes all accepted charges. It also reviews all physical and sexual abuse cases involving children, and acts as vertical prosecution for child abuse cases needing special attention.

In recognition of the success of his Family Violence Unit, District Attorney Paul Connick Jr. received the prestigious 2001 Criminal Justice Award for “Outstanding Achievement in Protecting Children and Families from Domestic Violence” from Louisiana Attorney General Richard Leyoub and the Louisiana Commission of Law Enforcement on Sept. 6, 2001.

Phone 504.361.2863   or   504.361.2851
Fax 504.361.2899

The Family Violence Unit works in conjunction with the Jefferson Children’s Advocacy Center,


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The Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s Office frequently refers victims and survivors of crimes to outside agencies. These public, private and faith-based agencies provide an array of services, from mental health to shelter for battered women, from counseling for grieving parents of slain children to suicide and domestic abuse hotlines. The following are links to these agencies’ websites.